Increasing New Patients – The Key Ingredients, Part 7: Knowledge, Research and The Mind – How These Apply to Attracting New Patients

January 23, 2014
by Keith Gilleard

Marketing success just like success in any endeavor is produced by knowledge of and experience in the subject at hand and rolling ones sleeves up, getting in there and doing hard work until one achieves competence.

Technology, while it does make some actions simpler and faster, does not think or engage people.

Only people think and engage other people.

Your new patients are searching the Internet and are digging through their direct mail for something that speaks to them. They are looking for something that rings true in their minds and seems to offer what they were looking for or would agree was important.

Your marketing needs to engage them a couple of inches behind their foreheads.

Marketing is a battle of the mind.

Once you know what your new patient wants and considers valuable from their viewpoint, it then becomes possible to make a good connection with them. You become more real to them than other dentists who haven’t done any research and thus more likely that they will call you to make an appointment.

This is why, at Gilleard Dental Marketing, we research and do surveys and gather a lot of data about your practice and services and equipment and approach, etc.

This research and data collection and analysis is one of the reasons that have given Gilleard Dental Marketing so much success with dentists’ increased numbers of high production fee-for-service patients.

The famous marketer David Ogilvy once said “Advertising people who ignore research are as dangerous as generals who ignore decodes of enemy signals.”

Your success in marketing relies to a large degree on knowing your audience, knowing what they want, knowing what they consider valuable and then delivering that message to them in your copy, in your design and photos, in all aspects of your website and your direct mail pieces.

For a free marketing consultation please call us at [phone].

About the Author

Keith Gilleard
Keith Gilleard is President of Gilleard Dental Marketing. Gilleard has been providing effective and unique marketing programs for dentists since 2007.
