Nader Hawa, DMD

In Testimonials by Keith Gilleard

Image northern virginia dentist

"Our return on investment from the Gilleard magazine has been 8-1, and this ratio is even higher if you take into account the people referred by the Gilleard patients."

“We have a practice in one of the most competitive areas in the entire U.S. There are 300 dentists within 5 miles of our location, and 11 general dentists just in our office park. Our previous marketing hadn’t worked, because many dentists here do the same kinds of marketing.

“We came across the Gilleard company a couple of years ago, and decided to sign on with them. They produced an extremely professional and eye-catching magazine. We mailed these magazines out to people in our area, and the results have been spectacular.

“This magazine generates a lot of people who need and want higher-end dentistry, such as cosmetic dentistry and full mouth reconstructions. The beauty of this magazine is that the people who call from it are half-sold on treatment before they are even scheduled. It is amazingly easy to schedule these people, even though they are coming in for more expensive treatment. The people who are attracted by the magazine are people who are more interested in the highest quality dentistry than in their insurance coverage. This is a refreshing difference from the average patient.

“Our return on investment from the Gilleard magazine has been 8-1, and this ratio is even higher if you take into account the people referred by the Gilleard patients. We have generated a dozen cases $30,000-50,000, and another couple of dozen cases between $10,000-25,000. And there have been many more people who needs less treatment.

“The Gilleard magazine is our single greatest source of new patients. And these patients refer in other excellent patients. I highly recommend the Gilleard magazine to any dentist who consider himself or herself an excellent clinician who wants to give people the very best dentistry. This form of marketing will set you apart from other dentists in your area.”

Nader Hawa, DMD
Magazine Marketing