
Dental Implant &
Full-Arch Marketing

16+ years of experience condensed into precision-targeted marketing to get you qualified implant and full-arch new patients.

ProFocus Dental Implant Marketing

Implant and full-arch marketing has become highly competitive. In order to capture a decent share of the market a dentist needs to present themselves as experienced, knowledgeable and as an office that focuses on implant and full-arch treatment. Potential new patients have many choices and in competitive markets they will tend to go to the office that shows it is expert in dental implants.

Our ProFocus implant marketing does just that. It hones in your target market and uses the correct messaging to engage them and motivate them to contact your office.



Call: 855-486-2410 or click here to book online.

Who We Serve

We help general dentists, oral surgeons, periodontists and prosthodontists. We market in highly competitive metro and surbaban areas as well as small town and rural locations.

The marketing is tailored to the type of dentist or specialist as well as the type of practice and geographic area. Dental marketing works best when it is customized for the client.


Neal Patel, DDS, CDT
General Dentist
Gilleard client since 2015


Lee Sheldon, DMD
Gilleard client since 2014


Brent Newby, DDS, MD
Oral Surgeon
Gilleard client since 2019


Ada Parra, DDS, MS
Gilleard client since 2019

Expert Marketers


Gilleard Dental Marketing was founded in 2008 by Keith and Deborah Gilleard. They both came from large corporate and ad agency backgrounds and have decades of experience in all aspects of marketing. They used the technology of corporate-level marketing to create dental marketing that packs a punch.

Gilleard offers full-service dental marketing, including digital marketing, websites, direct mail, custom magazines, brochures, photo shoots, video shoots, scheduling training and call tracking and analytics. The majority of your work will be taken care of in-house by our highly trained staff, most of whom have been with us for at least 5 years. You’ll never get a novice or untried staff handling your dental implant or other campaigns!

We consider our clients partners and work hard to make your campaigns work. A success for you is a success for us. Each client also has the benefit of our over 16 years of success in dental, implant and large case marketing. We provide personal, attentive service.


What Constitutes Good Implant Marketing?

“Good dental implant marketing brands a dental practice as a go-to implant office,” says Keith Gilleard. “It isolates all the target markets and reaches them through the most appropriate media, whether it’s digital, print or air. It uses messaging and imagery that motivate the prospective implant patient to contact the office. Most dental marketing companies fail to reach all the target markets or fail to engage them sufficiently so that a dental office receives few leads, or abundant leads many of which that end up being unqualified or cold.”

Full-Arch Marketing 2024
Enough had changed in the marketplace that we embarked on a comprehensive study of the full-arch market so we could offer the most relevant marketing to our clients. We surveyed hundreds of people who had either received full-arch treatment or who were looking for a dental office. We did a thorough review of the competitive landscape for implant dentists. Here are some of our key findings.
ProFocus Digital Implant Marketing
Increase your implant & full-arch cases with custom implant websites and landing pages designed to attract and convert qualified implant new patients.
Learn More
ProFocus Implant and Full-Arch New Patients
Precise targeting of qualified implant and full-arch new patients with custom magazine direct mail
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Success Stories

“As a long-time client of Gilleard Marketing, they have continually provided me with a consistent level of new patients.

“Most of my high-production cases come to our office because of Gilleard's magazine, bringing in an average of 4-6 full-arch cases each month.

“Without question, a Gilleard magazine is the best way to market your implant and high-production services.”

— Tarun Agarwal,DDS
Raleigh, NC


“In our Periodontal practice, which has been in the same location for over 41 years, the vast majority of our patients today come directly to us, without a referral from a general dentist. We have now ordered 200,000 of the personalized magazines. Gilleard created a personalized magazine for us, redid our website and manages our online presence. We get reports of daily and monthly statistics.

“We have not only been able to survive but most importantly, thrive.”

Kenneth R. Levine, DDS
Periodontist, Digital and Custom Magazine Client


"We are located in a densely populated area with other oral surgery practices and the magazine has really given us an edge to educate potential patients. Our marketing with Gilleard has consistently out-performed other marketing concepts we attempted in the past.

“The magazine has transformed our implant business. Gilleard is our biggest referral and makes up 25% of our business."

Brent Newby, DDS, MD
Oral Surgeon, Custom Magazine Client


“Gilleard's marketing provides our prospective patients an opportunity to connect with our dental office before they even arrive. They created a custom magazine and a matching website. The magazine educates them, and the new patients feel like they already know you. They come in knowing they want the treatment and are just like 'How can we finance this? How can we do it?'

"You have had a real positive impact on us. We were doing well before but it has really gone to another level and a lot of it can be attributed to the magazine and its content. We went from $3.5 million before the magazine to $4.5 million at the end of 2020 and that was with being closed for 2 months. Now we are on track for $6.5 million. Major credit goes to the magazine.”

Rishi Kapur, DMD
General Dentist, Digital and Custom Magazine Client


“If you need more patients than you know what to do with, use Gilleard Marketing. We’re booked out 5 weeks now where before we may have been booked out 2 weeks. We used to spend $2,700 a month on listing services and ad marketing and it was a waste of money. The money we spend with Gilleard gets results. We get bigger cases. Collections are up 30k-90k per month and recently we had the highest ever collections in a month.

“We are buying the building next door to us because we can’t service all the patients and we are in the process of hiring a periodontist to help with the load of new patients. You won’t be wasting your money with Gilleard.”

Martha H. Sanger, DDS
Periodontist, Digital and Custom Magazine Client

Let's Talk

Complimentary Consultation

Call us at 855-486-2410 or fill out the below form.

We can discuss your practice goals and how we can help you. We can also provide a free analysis of your current marketing.

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