Just recently we took photos of some of our staff at work, so we thought we would share them with you. We are very proud of our staff. They are talented, competent and dedicated, and we couldn’t be happier with them.
Terry, one of our copywriters, writing a magazine. She is using interview information and market research to write compelling copy.
Deborah Gilleard, the CEO, watches over the quality of our marketing and makes sure staff are fully competent in our best practices for dental marketing.
Lance, our Deputy Creative Director, above left, helps take care of our busy Creative Department, including overseeing website design and coding. Here he is with Joe, one of our web coders.
Thisbe, one of our magazine editors. Thisbe is not only an accomplished writer and designer, she is also an award-winning jazz singer and songwriter! We have been fortunate to have had Thisbe working with us since the inception of Gilleard Dental Marketing in 2008.
Rick, our Creative Director, shown above left, is overall responsible for the creation of our print and web marketing. As a long-term graphic arts specialist, he personally keeps a close eye on the quality of our print work. Steve, above right, is our pre-press expert. He prepares items for print and goes to the printer to do press checks of our magazines and brochures to ensure color and reproduction are correct.
Part of the proofing process is to correct design and color so that the magazine is bright and appealing.
Keeping track of the results is an important part of our process. We use special software to track our Internet marketing results as well as listening to calls to record the number of inquiries and new patients scheduled. We do this for all our products; print and web. Above, Drew is going over an Internet marketing report with Dori, who is responsible for the call tracking.
Robyn going over a client’s magazine distribution with Robert, her assistant.