Attracting the Big Cases – How Do You Do It?

February 2, 2012
by Keith Gilleard

Is there a secret to marketing for big cases?

And has the economy taken its toll?

Dr. Raymond Munz - TestimonialSome dentists will agree with the latter question, that they are getting less big cases. Is there a way around this? The answer to this is “yes”. And to answer this properly we have to look at what is the secret of big case marketing.

The “secret” to marketing for big cases is marketing specific items and marketing intelligently and well. Examples of specific items are “cosmetic dentistry”, “one-visit crowns”, dental implants”, “adult dentistry”, “veneers”, “Invisalign”, etc.

Marketing well entails using the technology of marketing: you have to figure out who is your target market, then work out how to attract their attention, what to say to interest them in you, and finally how to get them to act.

You then need to work out a marketing plan and roll out a campaign that places you in the minds of your target audience in your area as the dentist to see for that specific procedure.

In general, it is more difficult to get the big cases as some people are more careful about spending. So where “any” marketing might have worked before, it doesn’t now. There ARE people who still want or need the large case work but you have to reach them intelligently.

We know from empirical observation this is possible! One of our clients in the so-called “rust” belt called to tell us about a $50,000 case he procured from our Internet marketing. Another called to say that a patient paid $40,000 who came in from a magazine we had made. We had used intelligent marketing, which included targeting the right audience, using “hot buttons”, using appropriate imagery, writing copy (marketing text) that would resonate with the audience and was interesting, and using the right offers.

There are of course other factors besides the external marketing that need to be done. These internal and other external factors will be the subject of further newsletters starting next month in which we will be going over in detail how to market and become the implant specialist of note in your area. The data will be useful for other big case procedures as well, but we will be focusing on attracting implant patients.

If you have the ability to do large cases, there is no reason you can’t get large cases, if you let the right people know, in the right way.

About the Author

Keith Gilleard
Keith Gilleard is President of Gilleard Dental Marketing. Gilleard has been providing effective and unique marketing programs for dentists since 2007.
