Bernard Ang, DMD
“Lately, I've been signing up patients left, right, and center from the magazine!"
"I wanted to let you know that I’ve been doing really well with the magazine!
"The other day I met a magazine patient and was talking to him for less than five minutes and the patient said 'Okay, yes, when can we do this?' and signed up for $60,000 worth of treatment. That same day I placed 7 implants on another magazine patient.
"Lately, I've been signing up patients left, right, and center from the magazine! Last year I did $1.9 million in treatments, and this year, I'm already up to about $1.4 million! And it's only June (2022)!”
Dr. Bernard Ang has a practice in a small town in a beautiful part of rural New Hampshire. He has been a Gilleard client since 2012. We still remember when we first distributed his custom magazine and he called us to relate how a woman came in with the magazine and paid for $80,000 worth of treatment with a check.
In his magazine, Dr. Ang features implants, implant-supported dentures, full-arch treatment, cosmetic dentistry, sleep apnea treatment, bioesthetic dentistry, TMD treatment and periodontics.