Custom Magazines – A successful vehicle to attract large cases

November 15, 2012
by Keith Gilleard


My first contact with magazines was in Art School when I created a journal featuring the students’ efforts at avant guard poetry. But I fell in love with them when in the ’70s I became the in-house editor of an institutional monthly magazine and saw its spectacular effects on the arrivals and revenue.

Of course, in those days, magazines were a very touchy-feely process. Every piece had to be meticulously pasted up onto boards, a far cry from the current digital process. The end result was the same, though: something substantial that the consumer could hold, peruse and save.

As we move forward at an accelerated pace into our digital age with its multiplicity of devices on which to display information, a magazine might seem to some a retrogression into an earlier era. We have found the contrary to be true. The magazine is a powerful complement to an effective website, as well as a successful stand-alone tool; and often out-performs even our best websites.

Best of all for many of our clients, it attracts patients who need extensive dental work or who want to make over their smile.

Part of the secret to our magazines’ success is their distribution. We use a variety of distribution methods customized to the practice and designed to get the magazines in front of the right demographic.

The other secret to its success is no secret really, and that is the use of real, full-blown, agency-style marketing. The magazine is completely custom, from the photos, to the text, to the design, and within it all, all the successful devices of marketing are used to attract, interest and get a prospective patient to act.

Our magazines are exclusive to each client’s area. This is as a courtesy to our clients, but also we don’t like to compete against ourselves!

If you’d like to know more, give us a call at [phone].

About the Author

Keith Gilleard
Keith Gilleard is President of Gilleard Dental Marketing. Gilleard has been providing effective and unique marketing programs for dentists since 2007.
