Dan Marinic, DDS
General Dentist

In Testimonials by Keith Gilleard

Image Sedona Natural Dentistry

Thanks to the magazine, we are averaging 50 new patients per month since opening our new practice 3 1/2 months ago."

Hi. My name is Dan Marinic, I’m a general dentist. I’ve been practicing for about 33 years in a town called Evanston, Illinois just north of Chicago. We had a magazine made, a 16 page magazine, and it worked phenomenally.

Recently I got tired of being cold, and decided to move to Arizona and start a practice from scratch. I found a space that had never been a dental office, and I had only been in Sedona one other time. I contacted Gilleard to create another 16 page magazine before I even started with leasehold improvements or anything else.

They came up with a distribution plan for us and within a very short time, 3 and a half months now that we’ve been here, we’ve averaged 50 new patients a month. And these patients have been phenomenal. They have specific questions based on what we put together on the magazine that Gilleard told us, based on the type of practicing that I do, what we should put in there and the practice just took off like a rocket ship.

If you are interested in growing your practice, if you’re starting from scratch, if you’re just looking to increase your market share, give Gilleard a call. I’ve been working with them for 12 years and they are just a great, professional group to work with. Thanks so much.

Dan Marinic, DDS, FAGD, FICOI
Magazine Program