How Branding Can Help Boost Your New Patients

August 17, 2014
by Keith Gilleard

People think of branding as a logo and slogan but branding inits purest sense includes positioning, which is how you position yourself in the market place in relation to other similar businesses.

Some examples of positioning a dentist could adopt include “experienced smile makeover dentist”, “full service dental implants” and “friendly family dentist with comprehensive treatment for the whole family”. There are many positionings a dentist could use.

Marketing Research & Strategies

In the corporate world you see a lot of examples of positioning. BMW is the “Ultimate Driving Machine®”, with Walmart you can “Save money. Live better”, and if you go to a Wholefoods Market you can feel confident that you will be able to get a wide selection of organic, healthy (and expensive) foods!


A logo can be part of a company’s branding, but this is more important for a business with more than one location, such as Home Depot, or that has a nationwide or international presence, such as Nike. A well-established logo quickly lets the shopper know what brand they are dealing with.

As most dentists are in one location, a logo becomes relatively unimportant, but a nicely made, appropriate logo can add to the appeal of the design of a website and other marketing materials.

Market Research = Successful Branding

Successful brands come to stand for a specific set of standards and values. Consumers know, for example, that they can get more than the average coffee at a Starbucks while “Joe’s Coffee Shop” on the corner may or may not serve a decent coffee.

Behind a successful large brand is a wealth of market research. Advertising agencies and corporations survey consumers to find out what’s important to them in their brand. The data they discover are called “hot buttons.”

These hot buttons are used throughout the brand’s marketing efforts, including in their slogans and imagery.

We apply this technology in all our dental marketing to ensure our text and images resonate with the consumer looking for a dental practice.

How can a dentist use Branding?

A dentist needs to market so that his practice stands out from the crowd. Today’s consumer has many choices. A few clicks on his laptop and he has 30+ dentists to choose from in the local area just on the first page of Google.

It is important to have clear messaging and imagery that immediately lets your web visitors know what the benefits of going to your practice are and what they can expect. For best results, this messaging and imagery should be based on market research.

How successful is this approach? 

It can make the difference between barely any inquiries at all and tens of inquiries in a month! We have taken websites that were already well-positioned on Google, high up on the Google results page for search terms such as “dentist” or “dental implants”, and by redoing them, doubled, tripled or even quadrupled the amount of people calling and emailing in for appointments.

If you would like to learn more about how we could help you boost your new patient numbers, please give us a call at [phone].


About the Author

Keith Gilleard
Keith Gilleard is President of Gilleard Dental Marketing. Gilleard has been providing effective and unique marketing programs for dentists since 2007.
