John Poczatek, DMD

In our first year with Gilleard we grew our practice 27%. In our second year we grew 39%. We reached our capacity of 10 operatories in 2 years. No other marketing has given us near the same ROI!
“In 2011 our practice was in its 6th year and we were operating in 7 of 10 potential operatories. We decided to look at external marketing to grow our practice. Doing Internet searches, we stumbled across a website that was created by Gilleard. We were impressed so we gave them a call.
“In our first year with just the website and Google AdWords we grew our practice 27%. The second year we added the magazine and grew 39%. We reached our capacity of 10 ops in two years. Our third and fourth years were limited by our physical space but we still managed double digit gains and are looking at expanding our facility. No other marketing has given us near the same ROI.”