Increasing New Patients – The Key Ingredients, Part 5: Mobile Marketing Strategy

December 12, 2013
by Keith Gilleard

The talk about Mobile (smartphone) marketing has changed from prediction to hard reality. The statistics (see below) show that your ideal new patient is searching for your services on their Smartphone. It is not just laptops and tablets but they are using their smart phones to shop online.

It used to be spoken about as a smart thing to do, or a good idea to have a Mobile website, but as you will see in the data below having a true Mobile website designed for use on smart phones is now a necessity.

In fact the research indicates that if the mobile experience is bad they will leave and they will not recommend your practice, and they will go to someone else.

The statistics below are a reflection of  how your new patents are searching online today.

Consumer Research Studies:

  • 56% of American adults are now smartphone owners. (Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2013)
  • 4 out of 5 consumers use smartphones to shop. (Source: comScore, 2012)
  • 25 percent of consumers engage in online shopping only via mobile (Source: Prosper Mobile Insights, 2012)
  • 55% of mobile owners access mobile web (Source: Pew Research Center, 2012)
  • 57 percent of consumers will not recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile site. Similarly, 
  • 40 percent of consumers will go to a competitor’s site after a bad mobile experience (Source: Compuware, 2012)
  • Sixty-five percent of mobile users said they used their mobile device to find a business to make an in-store purchase (Source: Google, 2011)
  • 47% of smartphone owners rely on smartphones to find out more information about a product and 36% use their phones to read product reviews on retail websites (Source: Leo J. Shapiro and Associates, 2012)
  • 47% of consumers confirm they use their smartphone to search for local information, such as information about a local store they want to visit. 46% of consumers look up prices on a store’s mobile site, and 42% check inventory prior to shopping in the store (Source: Local and the e-tailing group, 2012)
  • 80 percent of mobile users prefer locally relevant advertising and 75 percent are more likely to take an action after seeing a location-specific message (Source: Mobile Audience Insights Report from JiWire, 2012)
  • 64% of smartphone owners are now using their mobile devices to shop online (Source: eDigitalResearch and Portaltech Reply, 2012

About the Author

Keith Gilleard
Keith Gilleard is President of Gilleard Dental Marketing. Gilleard has been providing effective and unique marketing programs for dentists since 2007.
