Mobile Websites

January 28, 2015
by Keith Gilleard

Now important for your practice

Apple founder Steve Job’s obstinacy in pushing the envelope into new and more workable technologies has made many websites that were state-of-the-art as little as a year ago into redundant dinosaurs. In other words, your fancy “flash” animation that looked so high-tech on your computer or laptop doesn’t even show on an iPad or an iPhone. These devices, now well over the 300 million mark in sales, have caused a revolution in web coding called “html5″. Html5 allows for all the functionality and effects of flash without its instability or search engine unfriendliness. Even Adobe, the owners of the flash platform, have thrown in the towel and moving forward with html5 for mobile devices. Add to that the proliferation of the use of smartphones, we have on our hands a mobile revolution that can no longer be ignored. Statistics reported on their website – Number of smartphone users in the U.S. from 2010 to 2018. In 2010 63 million smartphones were in the hands of US mobile phone owners in 2014 164 million smartphones are in the hands of US mobile phone owners. Google’s own book “Zero Moment of Truth” (available online as a free ebook), states: “79% of consumers now say they use a smartphone to help with shopping”, and “…mobile searches doubled last year [2011].”

What should I do about making my website mobile or iPad friendly?


For the most part, your website will look fine on an iPad and doesn’t need to be reformatted for it, except for where your site uses any flash animation. A simple evaluation will establish flash usage. Your website is then coded in html5 to fully show on an iPad. Phone numbers can become clickable links for fast calling on phone-enabled tablets.

Mobile Websites

The situation is different with a mobile site. Here, you want the site to be very relevant, very easy to use and very easy to read. It’s unnecessary to convert your entire site, and in fact would be information overload on such a small device. Depending on the practice and what it wants to primarily market, certain elements should be included to create interest as well as easy access to phone numbers, emails and location. Mobile websites are specifically designed for handheld devices – nobody wants to browse a desktop website on their smartphone such as iPhone, Android or Microsoft!

Set yourself apart from competitors

There are many reasons why your business should have an attracting website in the first place and of course a mobile website too. However, there are still many practices that haven’t taken advantage of this opportunity. Eventually a mobile website gives your practice a chance to stand out among your competitors as customers carry their smart phones everywhere and use them regularly to take quick action or make an immediate decision.

For more information about our services please contact us. We will be happy to go over how our marketing programs could help you and your practice. We offer a Complimentary Free Marketing Consultation, including a Free Website Audit and a Free SEO Analysis.

To make an appointment, call [phone] or click here to request an appointment online.

About the Author

Keith Gilleard
Keith Gilleard is President of Gilleard Dental Marketing. Gilleard has been providing effective and unique marketing programs for dentists since 2007.
