Bernard Ang
General Dentist
Last year I did $1.9 million in treatments, and this year, I'm already up to about $1.4 million! And it's only June (2022)!
"I wanted to let you know that I’ve been doing really well with the magazine! The other day I met a magazine patient and was talking to him for less than five minutes and the patient said 'Okay, yes, when can we do this?' and signed up for $60,000 worth of treatment.
"That same day I placed 7 implants on another magazine patient. Lately, I've been signing up patients left, right, and center from the magazine!
"Last year I did $1.9 million in treatments, and this year, I'm already up to about $1.4 million! And it's only June (2022)!"
Bernard Ang
Magazine Program