Dr. Lee Sheldon
Lee Sheldon, DMD is a periodontist practicing in Melbourne Florida. He also is the founder of the American Association of Independent Periodontists (AAIP), an organization dedicated to helping periodontists reach the general public with the message of how much they can help them with their complex dental needs.
Years ago, Dr. Sheldon switched his marketing to Gilleard to help him successfully transition to a direct-to-consumer practice as well as a referral practice. We created a custom website prominently featuring implants and full-teeth replacement that immediately did well. And to double up on Dr. Sheldon’s new patients, we created a custom magazine that he has been mailing out regularly for several years.
I get a 13:1 ROI for the custom magazine, not including all the additional referrals I get.
“Marketing is increasingly important for the periodontist. Patients need to know how to find us as the source for treatment planning of complex dental cases. And that’s what Gilleard Dental Marketing has done, brought patients to our office that need complex care.
“When I went to Gilleard I had a lot of experience in marketing myself: I’d had a website and had done different campaigns to bring patients in. When I went with Gilleard, I found that they were able to increase the number of patients that I got. Four times as many patients the first month I was with Gilleard.
“We started with the website and accompanying Google AdWords campaign. Such brings us 20-25 new patients every single month. We then added the sixteen-page magazine to provide additional marketing punch. The magazine is a great public relations as well as marketing piece. We are getting an additional 25-30 new patients from that magazine. I get a 13:1 ROI for the custom magazine, not including all the additional referrals I get.
“Periodontists, let’s remember who we are. We are diagnosticians first. We develop predictable treatment plans and work with restorative dentists as well as other specialists to produce long-lasting smiles and function. If you have the mindset that you want to see more patients who need and want the services that we provide, Gilleard can and will provide those patients to you.
“I recommend Gilleard very highly to you. They can create an innovative campaign that’ll make you look professional and will bring more patients into your office.”