Josh Benk
Owner General Dental Office

"The Bottom line is that Gilleard has transformed our practice. If any office wants to take it to a new level, Gilleard is a MUST-have factor in that journey."
“We have been using the Gilleard Dental Marketing program for about a decade. I do all aspects of their program.
“Here are some facts: We are a private practice and do not participate in ANY insurance networks. We get between 80-100 new inbound patient calls per week. We have a 3-4 month waiting list for new patients to get into our office (all of them knowing we are out-of-network). We see an average of 35-40 new patients every week (and we’d see more if we had more doctors and chairs). Patients come into the practice prepared to start dentistry because of what they have read in the magazine and on our website. The magazine has elevated our office to celebrity status in our city because so many people see us on the cover of the magazine.
“Gilleard Dental Marketing is not your normal marketing company. These guys have done major research into the prospective patient pools and have isolated an exact understanding of what patients are looking for. I’ve seen some of their research, and is resembles clinical research from a lab.
“How they use this information is where the magic happens. Gilleard is not just going to make the phone ring or make the patient show up. The Gilleard team understands TREATMENT ACCEPTANCE, and they build their marketing from the ground up with that goal in mind. Our patients come in many times after seeing other doctors and knowing a little bit of what they need. They come to OUR office to get the work done after reading the marketing from Gilleard, and we just need to recommend the treatment and work out the payment details.
“The bottom line is that Gilleard has transformed our practice. If any office wants to take it to a new level, Gilleard is a MUST-have factor in that journey.”
Atlanta Dental Center is one of the top dental practices in Atlanta, GA—grossing over $5 million annually. Our relationship with Atlanta Dental Center began in 2007. At that time we did a market research project to gain insight into how to best market their services. We revamped their website and took over a direct mail magazine they were making and turned it into an effective marketing piece. This magazine took them over $1 million and things just grew from there. The backbone of their growth was our Internet marketing and custom magazine program along with good management practices. Over the years they added associates and increased their service capability. In 2011, we made a dedicated implant website and magazine separate to the main website and magazine in order to highlight their high-production expertise.